The Journal of Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Research (JRSGR) aims to promote the most innovative results coming from the research in the field of computer science applied to geographic information systems. Thus, this journal provides an effective forum for disseminating original and fundamental research and experience in the rapidly advancing area of the use of computer science for spatial studies.
Many topics in the field of computer science involve a very specific approach in the domain of geographic information systems; therefore, the topics that are addressed include, but are not limited to:

Spatial Modeling: spatial data models integrating the geometric and semantic aspects of geographic information, requirements analysis for GIS applications, GIS performance modeling and evaluation, qualitative aspects of geographic information, impact of spatial information handling on computing models.

Spatial Databases: spatio-temporal data structures, spatial data storage and indexing techniques, query processing and optimization, spatial database knowledge discovery, GIS metadata, multidatabase GIS.
Human-Computer Interfaces for GIS: graphic user interfaces for GIS, graphic browser interfaces for navigating spatial databases, multimedia applied to GIS, virtual reality for representing spatial data.

Digital Cartography at the Core of GIS: multidimensional digital map display technology, cartographic generalization for multiscale representation, computer-aided cartographic design, automated map aesthetics management, dynamic cartography, animated map technology.
Space Imagery in GIS: remote sensing, spatial image processing, shape recognition from aerial and satellite images, spatial information measurement and retrieval.

Parallelism, Distribution and Communication through GIS: parallel, distributed processing of spatial data, client-server architecture for GIS, GIS and cooperative work, manipulation of geographic information over the Internet, interoperability among heterogeneous GIS, electronic geographic data interchange standards, concurrent and distributed spatial objects.

Spatio-Temporal Reasoning: reasoning in GIS, spatio-temporal knowledge processing, fuzzy spatio-temporal information, artificial intelligence in GIS, genetic and neural algorithms in GIS, moving objects within GIS, real-time GIS, active spatio-temporal objects.