Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


Background and Objectives:Having timely statistics and information from existing uses is a requirement for proper management of natural and urban areas. Considering the extensive changes in land use and the need for managers and planners to be aware of the changes that have occurred in order to make policies and find solutions to solve the existing problems, it seems necessary to reveal the changes in order to determine their time trends. Land use is one of the vital aspects in managing natural resources and evaluating environmental changes. The main goal of this research was to use remote sensing techniques along with GIS and Landsat TM and ETM+ satellite data in the period from 1975 to 2021 to detect changes in land use in Kerman region.
Methods: Classification of land use classes, analytical methods and changes were implemented using ENVI 5.3 and ArcGIS 10.3 software. The first step in this study included transferring the coordinates of sample points on satellite images to different land use classes. These points along with the objective data collected from field visits and unsupervised classification maps that show the spectral characteristics of the ground surface using different applications were used as training points for analysis.
Findings: The findings of this research after creating maps using Land and detailed analysis shows important changes in the way land is used during the studied period. In particular, urban and residential areas have increased from 1184 hectares to 2160 hectares from 1975 to 2020, which indicates a significant and sustainable growth. This rapid growth of urbanization has happened especially from 1995 to 2015 and has increased by 60% from 975.6 hectares to 2478 hectares. Along with the increase of residential areas, the studied area has also seen a significant increase in dry and unused lands. In the 2021 land use map, about 18% of the areas are classified as unused land. Considering the environmental conditions of the region, such changes may cause serious risks to the people of the region. It is necessary to emphasize that the environmental effects of these changes in land use should be considered. Climatic conditions and higher vulnerability compared to other areas require comprehensive and planned changes in land use. These changes have not only changed the landscape of the region, but may also endanger the ecological balance and sustainability of the region.
Conclusion: Land use maps are essential tools for national and regional development planning. They provide information that shows the current state of land use, allows comparison of capabilities and potential, and designs measures to meet current and future needs. Through the analysis of land use changes in Kerman during the last 45 years, this study shows the impact of urbanization and population growth on the landscape of the region. Its results emphasize that responsible and sustainable changes in land management are necessary to reduce harmful environmental impacts and promote long-term growth. In addition, it emphasizes the great importance of remote sensing technologies and GIS in monitoring and managing changes in land use and provides valuable data for informed decisions by authorities and related organizations. 


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