Document Type : Review Paper


Department of Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University-Takestan Branch, Takestan, Iran


Background and Objectives: Geodesy is the basis of the science of Geomatics and Surveying Engineering. The Greek root of the word geodesy means dividing the earth, which shows that geodesy is historically closely related to the preparation of maps, analysis of the state of the earth, and geo-spatial data. Today, the science of geodesy discusses the set of rules related to the measurement and representation of the earth in a three-dimensional space that changes with time. This knowledge plays a key role in various scientific, engineering and navigational applications. In this paper, we will have an overview of the modern applications of geodesy in the field of navigation and earth monitoring and how these developments affect the global infrastructure of geo-spatial information and related scientific research.
Methods: In recent years, the Global Positioning Satellite System (GNSS) by increasing the accuracy and public access to the location caused a fundamental evolution in precise navigation, including the navigation of self-driving cars. Determining the earth's gravity field is another fundamental aspect of geodesy, which has made significant progress in this field along with the development of space programs. Advanced satellite missions such as GRACE-FO have provided an unprecedented ability to increase the accuracy of Earth's gravity field models. These models are used to understand Earth's dynamic processes, including sea level, mass balance of ice sheets, and Earth's internal dynamics. Moreover, using a standard framework to connect geodetic observations around the world is a necessary thing, for this purpose, Terrestrial Reference Frames (TRFs) are used. The development of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), the latest version of which is ITRF2023, is a sign of global joint efforts to increase the accuracy and reliability in the realization of reference frames for the unification of geodetic observations.
Findings: GNSS has provided the ability of positioning with very high spatial accuracy. The findings showed that GNSS can determine the position with centimeter accuracy. Also, navigation using GNSS technology has grown day by day and GNSS receivers play a vital role in aviation, shipping and transportation industries. This navigation system provides pilots with accurate information about the position, speed and direction of the aircraft, which helps to control the flight more accurately and respond faster in emergency situations. The maritime industry has also made extensive changes through the use of GNSS. Today, various ships need GNSS receivers to navigate and avoid potential risks of collision with other vessels. Also, GNSS technology plays an essential role in the transportation sector for managing urban and intercity traffic, optimizing transportation networks, reducing travel time, and improving the efficiency of the transportation system. In addition, the role of GNSS is very valuable in natural disaster management. Also, measurements of Earth's gravity field using satellite missions such as GRACE-FO have contributed to a better understanding of Earth's climate changes. These missions monitor the changes in mass distribution on the earth's surface and provide the possibility of monitoring phenomena such as the melting of polar glaciers and the displacement of underground water resources. This information is very useful for assessing the effects of climate change. Accurate satellite gravimetric data have the ability to monitor sea level elevation changes. By monitoring changes in ocean mass, scientists can make more accurate predictions about changes in sea level elevation. This information is necessary for the management of coastal settlements and policy making for coastal management. Ultimately, these measurements help scientists better understand Earth's internal structure, including plate tectonic movements. Quantifying plate tectonic motion is important for understanding the internal structure and behavior of plate tectonics, including the relationship of these processes to earthquakes and volcanic activity.


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