Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: The field of navigation, which is widely recognized as one of the most efficient and effective means of reaching a desired destination, holds immense significance in today's society. In order to cater to the needs of users by providing them with accurate routes to their intended destinations, navigation systems rely on the determination of the mobile location and the destination on the map. At present, the majority of location-based services heavily rely on navigation systems that utilize the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for determining the mobile location. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that this method is not applicable in indoor environments due to a multitude of limitations. Consequently, in order to overcome these limitations, a plethora of technologies have been developed for indoor positioning, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Inertial Navigation System (INS), ultrasonics, and acoustic waves. The range of applications involved in location-based services varies depending on the position quality (uncertainty), ranging from prevalent navigation that requires accuracy in the tens of meters to precise automatic object location that necessitates centimeter-level accuracy. The focus of this specific study is centered upon the utilization of image-based methods as a novel approach to address the problem of indoor mobile positioning.
Methods: The implementation of the image-based navigation method presents a series of challenges that must be comprehensively addressed in order to ensure its accuracy, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Extensive research has been conducted to tackle these challenges, and the aim of this study is to contribute to the existing knowledge base by delving into the accuracy requirements of the image-based navigation technique. To achieve this, a meticulous 3D model of the building was meticulously created, and the position of the image focal point was determined as the mobile location through the utilization of photography and image matching techniques. It is important to highlight the fact that this particular technique capitalizes on the widespread availability of current mobile phones, which are equipped with cameras, thereby rendering it an incredibly inexpensive, rapid, efficient, and accurate solution for indoor navigation.
Findings: The primary outcome of this study revolves around the assessment of positioning accuracy using the proposed image-based navigation method. The results obtained from this research possess significant implications for the design and development of an optimal image-based navigation system. The numerical analysis showcases an impressive average planimetric accuracy of 2.5 centimeters, thereby underscoring the efficacy of the proposed method in achieving precise indoor navigation.
Conclusion: In light of the findings derived from this study, it can be conclusively affirmed that the proposed image-based navigation method possesses a level of accuracy that fulfills all indoor navigation requirements. Furthermore, the widespread adoption of smartphones among the general population ensures that the utilization of this method is highly feasible. The outcomes of this study strongly bolster the applicability of the image-based navigation method for a myriad of indoor navigation applications, as well as certain close-range outdoor applications. Thus, it is evident that this research has paved the way for the implementation of a reliable and efficient navigation solution in both indoor and outdoor environments.


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