Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of GIS and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Islamic Azad University-Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Water and Environmental Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: The urban deteriorated texture areas is without a doubt one of the most important challenges faced by urban areas and especially metropolises in recent decades and is considered one of the main concerns of urban management. By identifying the areas that need revitalization, reconstruction and improvement, it is possible to optimize the use of land in order to improve the quality of the neighborhood and create spatial justice, as well as prevent the linear growth of cities. Old textures of urban areas can affect social and economic activities. Therefore, urban deteriorated texture areas can affect citizens as one of the challenges of cities. The phenomenon of deteriorated texture in urbanization is considered as one of the challenges of advancing sustainable urban development. This happens for several reasons, the most important of which is the reliance on traditional and insufficient monitoring and classification tools. Despite the increasing number of these areas, sufficient efforts are not made for spatial monitoring and classification of these areas. The process of monitoring and classifying these areas is considered as the first step. This study is presented with the aim of determining the optimal use of the urban deteriorated texture areas in order to improve the physical appearance of the city, reduce traffic, improve the environmental conditions, increase the standard of living of the people, and provide all citizens with welfare, educational, and medical services, as well as adequate security.
Methods: In this study, by using cost optimization algorithms and AHP multi-criteria decision making model and integrating it into GIS system, it has been used to identify and prioritize the intervention in the blocks and urban deteriorated texture neighborhoods of Iran Gas in Qazvin city based on predetermined criteria. At first, we got a full understanding of the characteristics of this section to compare it with the whole city. In order to identify the criteria used in this research, we examined the main location factors for Irangaz neighborhood of Qazvin city. Then, the amount of urban deteriorated texture in Iran Gas neighborhood was calculated in two different dimensions of physical and functional urban deteriorated texture and the existing land use was evaluated. Finally, by identifying the incompatible blocks and the optimal blocks, the required maps for the management of urban deteriorated texture were produced.
Findings: In the study area, the urban deteriorated texture areas are monitored and classified into 4 classes: no deteriorated texture (zero to 50%), low deteriorated texture (50 to 65%), moderate deteriorated texture (65 to 80% wear) and high deteriorated texture (over 85%). The results showed that there are rarely blocks without urban deteriorated texture in this area, and by examining the causes of urban deteriorated texture, which were mainly the incompatibility of uses, the current situation should be re-evaluated.
Conclusion: In general, most of the tissues of the studied area have suffered urban deteriorated texture in recent years due to lack of planning and management, which is very important to prevent the aggravation of this problem and its impact on the neighboring tissues. Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, it is very important to collect information on the areas that are prone to urban deteriorated texture and to monitor the areas that are subject to urban deteriorated texture.  


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