Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University-Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives: In today's world, cities have garnered significant attention as central hubs for social and economic activities. This research aims to enhance urban development and improve the quality of life for Tehran's residents, focusing on land use in Tehran, the capital of Iran and one of the most populous and pressured cities. The primary objective is to evaluate the distribution of various land uses across Tehran and analyze shortcomings that do not align with urban needs and standards. The study particularly delves into issues related to the appropriate number of land uses in different areas of Tehran and the role of recreational land use in urban development.
Methods: To conduct this comprehensive research, Tehran was divided into various zones, with diverse land uses thoroughly examined in each zone. These zoning divisions aimed to provide a more precise understanding of the unique needs of each part of the city for development and productivity. The distribution of land uses across the city was analyzed, and the frequency of each land use at the macro level was measured. Utilizing urban standards as evaluation criteria, a detailed analysis of land use distribution was performed. These standards served as benchmarks for assessment, highlighting areas where the standards fell short. This analytical approach facilitated a better understanding of strengths and weaknesses in urban development. Through this method, land use distribution in the city was evaluated more optimally, leading to recommendations for improvement and optimization.
Findings: The outcomes of this study underscore significant deficiencies in the allocation of land uses across Tehran, signaling a compelling call for refinement and heightened precision in regulation, particularly within the identified areas of 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, and 17. The identified weaknesses in land use distribution offer invaluable insights for urban decision-makers and planners, serving as a clarion call for immediate interventions in the city's development trajectory. The critical nature of this information lies in its potential to guide strategic decisions and policy implementations aimed at rectifying existing imbalances. Furthermore, the research accentuates a growing imperative to prioritize recreational land use within Tehran, shedding light on the inadequacy of current land use patterns to align with established urban standards and the evolving needs of society. The pressing need for increased attention to recreational spaces emerges as a key takeaway, suggesting that the development of such areas within the city could yield tangible enhancements in residents' overall quality of life. The envisaged benefits extend beyond mere leisure, with the potential to foster the creation of green spaces, promoting environmental sustainability, and providing platforms for diverse recreational activities that contribute to a healthier, more vibrant urban community. In essence, the research outcomes advocate for a strategic reevaluation and recalibration of land use policies in Tehran, with a heightened focus on rectifying existing imbalances and proactively addressing the evolving needs of the city's residents.
Conclusion: This research serves as a valuable tool for urban decision-makers and city planners in the development and enhancement of the quality of life for Tehran's residents. The obtained results indicate that optimizing land use and addressing urban needs can contribute to sustainable development and improved living conditions in Tehran.


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